Many areas of endeavour, such as the law and medicine, tend to have their own specialised vocabulary and/or special ways of pronouncing some words. One area which is well-known for its idiosyncratic pronunciations is sailing. Here is some nautical terminology. These words may not be very useful to you in everyday life, but they are fun anyway.
athwart əˈθwɔːt
azimuth ˈæzɪməθ
boatswain (bosun) ˈbəʊsn
bowline ˈbəʊlɪn
bowsprit ˈbəʊsprɪt
bulwark ˈbʊlək
buoy bɔɪ
coxswain ˈkɒksn
forecastle (fo’c’s’le)ˈfəʊksl
foresail ˈfɔːsl
gunwale (gunnel)ˈɡʌnl
gybe (jibe) dʒaɪb
leeward ˈluːəd
north (nor’) east/west nɔːˈr iːst/ˈwest
plimsoll/plimsole ˈplɪmsə(ʊ)l
rowlock ˈrɒlək
starboard ˈstɑːbəd
topsail ˈtɒpsl
windward ˈwɪnəd
Thanks to Alex Rotatori and Petr Rösel for additions
Updated 2014_09_01