The prefix <hyper-> is often pronounced with a secondary stress on the first syllable – ˌhaɪpə. This true of all the following words (amongst others):
hyperactive hyperbolic hypercritical hyperglyc(a)emia hypersonic hypertension hyperventilate
There are a few words where the prefix is pronounced ˈhaɪpə, that is the first syllable bears the primary stress of the word, as inː
hypercube hyperlink hyperspace hypertext
Hyperspace can also be pronounced ˌhaɪpəˈspeɪs.
Alternative sound
Finally, in the words hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperboloid and hypertrophy it is the second syllable of the suffix which bears the main stress of the word, so the pronunciation is haɪˈpɜː.
Alternative sound
Updated 2015_04_4