Tantalum | ˈtæntələm |
Technetium | tekˈniːʃiəm |
Tellurium | teˈlʊəriəm |
Terbium | ˈtɜːbiəm |
Thallium | ˈθæliəm |
Thorium | ˈθɔːriəm |
Thulium | ˈθjuːliəm |
Tin | tɪn |
Titanium | taɪˈteɪniəm |
Tungsten | ˈtʌŋstən |
Ununoctium | ˌjuːnuːnˈɒktiəm |
Ununpentium | ˌjuːnuːnˈpentiəm |
Ununseptium | ˌjuːnuːnˈseptiəm |
Ununtrium | ˌjuːnuːnˈtraɪəm |
Uranium | juˈreɪniəm |
Vanadium | vəˈneɪdiəm |
Ytterbium | ɪˈtɜːbiəm |
Yttrium | ˈɪtriəm |
Zinc | zɪŋk |
Zirconium | zɜːˈkəʊniəm |
This “mini-dictionary” gives just one acceptable General British pronunciation for each of the terms listed. In many cases other pronunciations are possible.