This tip deals with the pronunciation of the word ending <ice> when preceded by a consonant. If the final syllable of the word is unstressed then the pronunciation is most often ɪs. Here is a list of examples:
apprentice armistice artifice avarice bodice chalice coppice cornice cowardice crevice jaundice justice lattice licorice malice mortice notice novice office orifice poultice practice precipice pumice service surplice Venice
The one exception I can think of at the moment is the word dormice which is pronounced ˈdɔːmaɪs.
If the final syllable is stressed, the most common pronunciation is aɪs. Examples:
advice device entice suffice
Of course, police is pronounced pəˈliːs or pliːs.
Updated 2014_04_07 Thanks to Petr Rösel for adding Berenice = ˌberɪˈnaɪs, cantatrice = ˌkæntəˈtriːs , Eurydice = juˈrɪdəsi