This tip deals with words ending in <ose>, but not those ending in <oose>.
First, there is the word lose which is pronounced luːz.
Secondly, we have close. If this is an adjective meaning “near”, then it is pronounced kləʊs. It also has this pronunciation if it is a noun meaning “an enclosed space”. However, if it is a verb meaning “to shut” or if it is the related noun meaning “end” then the pronunciation is kləʊz.
Thirdly, there are a lot of words where the ending is əʊz. Here are quite a few of them, but not all:
chose compose depose decompose diagnose disclose dispose enclose expose foreclose hose impose interpose juxtapose metamorphose Montrose nose oppose pose primrose propose prose repose rose superimpose suppose those transpose
Finally, words where the ending is pronounced əʊs. Again I have left out the less common words:
bellicose comatose dose fructose glucose grandiose morose overdose otiose purpose verbose viscose