- A-accent
- Abduction
- Ablaut
- Accent
- Accidental gap
- Acoustic cue
- Acrolect
- Active articulator
- Acute
- Adaptation
- Adduction
- Advanced
- Advanced tongue root
- Affricate
- Affrication
- African American Vernacular English
- Airflow
- Airstream mechanism
- Aitken’s law
- Alignment
- Allophone
- Alpha notation
- Alternating stress rule
- Alternation
- Alveolar
- Alveolar ridge
- Alveolo-palatal
- Ambisyllabicity
- Amplitude
- Amplitude-frequency spectrum
- Anacrusis
- Anaptyxis
- Anechoic chamber
- Angled brackets
- Angma
- Anterior
- Anticipatory assimilation
- Antiresonance
- Anvil
- Aperiodic
- Apex
- Aphaeresis
- Aphesis
- Apical
- Apico-palatal
- Apocope
- Approach
- Approximant
- Archiphoneme
- Areal feature
- Articulator
- Arytenoid
- Ash
- Ash tensing
- Aspirate mutation
- Aspiration
- Assimilation
- Association
- Attenuation
- Audiogram
- Audiometer
- Auslautverhӓrtung
- Autocorrelation
- Autosegmental phonology
- B-accent
- Back
- Back vowel
- Bandwidth
- Bark scale
- Basilar membrane
- Basilect
- Bernoulli effect
- Bidirectional assimilation
- Bilabial
- Bilateral opposition
- Binary feature
- Bitonal accent
- Biuniqueness
- Blade
- Bleeding
- Bone conduction
- Boundary
- Boundary tone
- Bounded foot
- Braces
- Breaking
- Breathed
- Breath group
- Breathy voice
- Broad consonant
- Broad focus
- Broad transcription
- Broca’s area
- Buccal
- Bundle
- Burst
- C-accent
- Cadence
- Calling contour
- Cardinal vowel
- Carry-over assimilation
- Catathesis
- Categorical perception
- Centralised
- Central vowel
- Centring diphthong
- Cepstrum
- Chain shift
- Checked
- Checking tone
- Chest pulse
- Chroneme
- Citation form
- Clash
- Clear /l/
- Click
- Clipping
- Clitic
- Closed phase
- Closed syllable
- Close-mid vowel
- Close vowel
- Closing diphthong
- Closing phase
- Cluster
- Cluster reduction
- Coalescence
- Coarticulation
- Cochlea
- Coda
- Compact
- Compensatory lengthening
- Complementary distribution
- Complex tone
- Complex wave
- Compound stress
- Compression
- Conditioning factor
- Conductive hearing loss
- Connected speech feature
- Consonant
- Consonantal
- Consonant capture
- Consonant cluster
- Consonant harmony
- Constricted glottis
- Content word
- Context
- Context-free
- Context-sensitive voicing
- Continuant
- Contoid
- Contour tone
- Contrast
- Coronal
- Counter-assertive
- Counter-bleeding
- Counter-example
- Counter-presuppositional
- Creaky voice
- Creole
- Crico-arytenoid muscles
- Cricoid cartilage
- Crico-thyroid muscles
- C symbol
- Cyclic rule
- Dark /l/
- dB
- De-accenting
- De-alveolar assimilation
- Debuccalisation
- Decibel
- Declination
- Defective distribution
- Defective vowel system
- Degemination
- Delayed auditory feedback
- Delayed release
- Dental
- Dentolabial
- Derivation
- Designated terminal element
- Devoicing
- Diacritic
- Diacritic feature
- Dialect
- Diffuse
- Diglossia
- Diphthong
- Dissimilation
- Distinctive feature
- Distinction
- Distributed
- Distribution
- Disyllable
- Dorsal
- Double articulation
- Double-stressed
- Downstep
- Drag-chain
- Ear drum
- Echo question
- Eclipsis
- Edge tone
- Egressive
- Ejective
- Electropalatography
- Element
- Elision
- Endglide
- Eng
- Environment
- Epenthesis
- Epiglottis
- Equal-loudness contour
- Erhua
- Esh
- Estuary English
- Eustachian tube
- Event sentence
- Excrescence
- ExtIPA
- Extrametricality
- Extrinsic allophone
- F0
- F1
- F1-cutback
- Faithfulness constraint
- Falling diphthong
- Fall-rise
- Falsetto voice
- False vocal folds
- Faucalised
- Feature geometry
- Feature synthesis
- Feeding
- Filled pause
- Filter
- Final obstruent devoicing
- Final syllable lengthening
- Fis phenomenon
- Fixed stress
- Flap
- Floating tone
- Focus
- Foot
- Forensic phonetics
- Formant
- Formant transition
- Fortis
- Fortition
- Fourier analysis/synthesis
- Free variation
- Free stress
- Frequency
- Fricative
- Frictionless continuant
- Front vowel
- Fronting
- Function word
- Fundamental frequency
- Fuzzy logical model
- Fx
- F-zero
- Gating
- Geminate
- General American
- General British English
- Genioglossus
- Gesture
- Glide
- Gliding
- Glottal
- Glottalic airstream mechanism
- Glottalling
- Glottalisation
- Glottal reinforcement
- Glottal replacement
- Glottal stop
- Glottis
- Grammatical item
- Grassman’s Law
- Grave
- Greek letter variable
- Grid
- Grimm’s law
- Grooved fricative
- Group
- Guttural
- h
- H
- H*
- H%
- Hˉ
- Hair cell
- Hammer
- Haplology
- Hard consonant
- Hard palate
- Harmonic
- Harmonic analysis
- Harmonic synthesis
- Harsh voice
- Hash
- H aspiré
- Hat pattern
- H-dropping
- Head
- Hearing mechanism
- Height
- Heightened subglottal pressure
- Hertz
- Heterorganic
- Hiatus
- High
- High fall
- High-mid vowel
- High rise
- High rise terminal
- High vowel
- H muet
- Homograph
- Homophene
- Homophone
- Homorganic
- Hyoid bone
- Hyperadaptation
- Hypercorrection
- Hypernasality
- Hyponasality
- Hz
- I
- Iambic reversal
- Ideophone
- Idiolect
- Implicational universal
- Implosive
- Incus
- Indexical
- Ingressive
- Inner ear
- Initiation
- Initiator
- Intensity
- Inter-arytenoid muscle
- Interdental
- Intermediate phrase
- Intervocalic
- Intonation
- Intonation phrase
- Intrinsic allophone
- Intrusive r
- Inverse Square Law
- Isochronicity
- Isogloss
- L
- L*
- L%
- Lˉ
- Labial
- Labialisation
- Labial-palatal
- Labial-velar
- Labiodental
- Labiovelar
- Laminal
- Laryngograph
- Larynx
- Lateral
- Lateral approach
- Lateral release
- Lax
- Leading tone
- Lect
- Lenis
- Lenition
- Lexical conditioning
- Lexical incidence
- Lexical item
- Lexical phonology
- Lexical Rule
- Lexical stress
- Lexical tone
- Liaison
- Lingual
- Linguolabial
- Linking r
- Lip reading
- Liquid
- Location
- Locus
- Logogram
- Loudness
- Low
- Lowering
- Low fall
- Low rise
- Lx
- Lyman’s law
- M
- Main stress rule
- Malleus
- Manner of articulation
- Maximal onset principle
- Max-IO
- McGurk effect
- Media
- Median articulation
- Mel scale
- Melodic tier
- Merger
- Mesolect
- Metathesis
- Metrical grid
- Metrical phonology
- Metrical tree
- Micro-intonation
- Microprosody
- Mid Level
- Mid vowel
- Minimal focus
- Minimal pair
- Mirror-image convention
- Missing fundamental
- Modal verb
- Modal voice
- Modulation
- Monophthong
- Monosyllable
- Mora
- Morpheme
- Morpheme boundary
- Morphophonology
- Motor theory
- Murmur
- Narrow-band
- Narrow focus
- Narrow transcription
- N-ary feature
- Nasal
- Nasalisation
- Nasal release
- Nasal stop
- Nasopharynx
- Natural class
- Neutralisation
- Neutral vowel
- Non-linear phonology
- Normal voice
- Northern cities shift
- Nuclear Stress Rule
- Nuclear tone
- Nucleus
- Obligatory contour principle
- Obstruent
- Occlusion
- Occlusive
- Octave
- Oesophageal voice
- Onset
- Open phase
- Open syllable
- Open vowel
- Opposition
- Optimality theory
- Oral airstream mechanism
- Oral stop
- Orbicularis oris muscle
- Organ of Corti
- Oropharynx
- Orthography
- Ossicles
- Overlapping distribution
- Oxytone
- Palatal
- Palatalling
- Palatalisation
- Palato-alveolar
- Palatography
- Paragoge
- Parametric diagram
- Paroxytone
- Pascal
- Passive articulator
- Pattern playback
- Period
- Periodic
- Peripheral vowel
- Perseverative assimilation
- Pharyngal
- Pharyngeal
- Pharyngeal airstream mechanism
- Phase
- Phon
- Phonation
- Phonation type
- Phone
- Phoneme
- Phonetics
- Phonology
- Phonological rule
- Phonotactics
- Pidgin
- Pitch
- Pitch perturbation
- Place of articulation
- Plastic
- Plosive
- Polarity focus
- Polysyllable
- Postalveolar
- Post-lexical rule
- Pre-aspiration
- Pre-consonantal
- Prehead
- Pre-nasalised consonant
- Pre-occlusion
- Pre-palatal
- Pre-pausal
- Pre-velar
- Pre-vocalic
- Progressive assimilation
- Proparoxytone
- Prosodic hierarchy
- Prosody
- Prosthesis
- Pseudo-elision
- Pulmonic airstream mechanism
- Pure tone
- Pure vowel
- Push-chain
- R
- Raddoppiamento sintattico
- Raising
- Rank of stricture
- r-colouring
- Received pronunciation
- Recruitment
- Reduced vowel
- Reduplication
- Regressive assimilation
- Release
- Release masking
- Rendaku
- Resolvability
- Resonance
- Resonant
- Retracted
- Retroflex
- Reynold’s number
- Rise-fall
- Rising diphthong
- Rhotic
- Rhyme
- Rhythmic clipping
- Roll
- Round
- RP
- Sagittal section
- Sandhi
- Sawtooth wave
- Scala
- Schwa
- Secondary articulation
- Semivowel
- Sensorineural hearing loss
- Sentence stress
- Series
- Sharp
- Sibilant
- Sine wave
- Sinusoid
- Slender consonant
- Slit fricative
- Sociolect
- Soft consonant
- Soft palate
- Sonagram
- Sonagraph
- Sonorant
- Sonority hierarchy
- Southern breaking
- Spectrogram
- Spectrograph
- Spectrum
- Speech pressure waveform
- Speech reading
- Speech synthesis
- Spelling pronunciation
- Spirantisation
- Split
- Spoonerism
- Square wave
- Stapes
- Starred form
- Steady state
- Stirrup
- Stød
- Stop
- Stopping
- Stranding
- Stress
- Stress clash
- Stress shift
- Stress-timed
- Stretching
- Strict Layer Hypothesis
- Stricture
- Strident
- Strong cluster
- Strong form
- Suppletion
- Surd
- Surface form
- Svarabhakti
- Syllabary
- Syllabic consonant
- Syllable
- Syllable nucleus
- Syllable-timed
- Syllable weight
- Syncope
- Synizesis
- Syntactic doubling
- Systematic gap
- Systemic difference
- Tail
- Tap
- Target quality
- Tautosyllabic
- Tense
- Tenuis
- Thorn
- Thyroid cartilage
- ToBI
- Tonality
- Tone
- Tone-bearing unit
- Tone group
- Tone sandhi
- Tongue back
- Tongue front
- Tongue muscles
- Tongue root
- Tonic
- Tonicity
- Tonogenesis
- Trailing tone
- Transcription
- Transition
- Triangular wave
- Trill
- Trisyllabic Laxing
- Truncation
- Turbulent flow
- Tympanum
- V
- Variable
- Velar
- Velaric airstream mechanism
- Velarisation
- Velar softening
- Velopharyngeal
- Velum
- Ventricular folds
- Ventricular voice
- Verner’s law
- Vestibular folds
- Vocal cords
- Vocal folds
- Vocal fry
- Vocalised
- Vocal process
- Vocoid
- Voiced
- Voiceless
- Voice onset time
- Vowel
- Vowel harmony
- Vowel quality
- Vowel reduction
- VPM label
- Wavelength
- Weak cluster
- Weak form
- Weak syllable deletion
- Wedge
- Whistle fricative
- White noise
- Wide-band
- Word boundary
- Word group
- Wynn
- No entries